With Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) it is nowadays possible to generate DNA sequences of thousands of animals originating from environmental samples in a short time and thus make them available for bioinformatic analysis. This opens the door for new and revolutionary experimental setups and new fields of research. Today, many universities and research institutions dealing with nature conservation, biodiversity, population genetics and evolution have established new chairs for metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metabarcoding. In contrast to traditional methods, the innovative approach ‘metabarcoding’ is capable of producing timely results providing information about changes in biodiversity on a temporal and geographical scale, which is especially of urgent need in times of insect extinction and climate change. Although Metabarcoding is still subject to research and development, it can already be said that it is a revolutionary method, not only for assessing biodiversity, but also for investigating and measuring the effects of various influences such as civil engineering, agriculture or renaturation measures. Conventional analysis options require a lot of storage and compute power and are often very time-consuming and prone to introduce errors. The Bioinformatics on Azure (BOA) project is a platform based on various Azure services that fully utilizes the power and flexibility of the cloud and can thus quickly and securely make results available for research.



This year we are invited to give our talk about the BOA project at the Impulse 2018 in Leipzig. On 25.10. we will be at the Congress Centrum Leipzig and …

Azure Meetup Hamburg

We are pleased to present our project “Bioinformatics on Azure” at the Azure Meetup Hamburg on October 13, 2017. The meeting starts at 18:00 at Atos in the Mundsburg Office …